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Showing posts from January, 2024

Typhoid Fever and how to Prevent it

     Typhoid is a life-threatening infection that is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. A less severe form of typhoid can be caused by the Salmonella paratyphi bacteria.  Usually, a person contracts typhoid by drinking or consuming contaminated food and water. However, you can also get the infection by coming into close contact with an infected person.  Symptoms of typhoid fever include pain in the abdomen, diarrhoea or constipation, headache, and high-grade fever. A majority of infected people starts feeling better once they are put on antibiotics. However, some people succumb to the infection due to associated complications. Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Signs of typhoid tend to develop gradually. A person exposed to the disease usually manifests the symptoms one to three weeks after the exposure. The early symptoms of typhoid include: • Fever, which initially starts low and increases every day • Headache • Muscle aches • Weakness • Fatigue • Dry