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9 Foods that boost your Immune System

      To look good and stay healthy you need an immune system that's working at top gear.  In this article, I will examine nine immune boosting foods that are readily available from your local store or garden. In addition to changing your lifestyle to eliminate stress and integration of exercise into your daily routine, good nutrition is the key to the immune system’s efficient function.  Without good food that will provide proper nutrition that the body needs to fight off foreign invaders, all other measures aimed at restoring and strengthening the immune system have limitations. Remember that you are what you eat. So shop wisely and remember to include these superfoods in your list. 1. Butternut squash This nutrient dense gourd contains high levels of vitamin A, an essential nutrient that supports and regulates the healthy development of immune cells. Consequently, a deficiency in Vitamin A results in impaired immunity and higher risks for infections. Vitamin A i

Bananas, 14 Health benefits

  The  banana is an edible fruit, botanically a Berry, produced by large flowering plants in the genus Musa. It originally is native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Australasia but now grown in over 107 countries.  Bananas are naturally easily portable , easy to transport and store hygenically. They require no preparation, making them a convenient snack choice for busy individuals.  In some tropical countries of the Caribbeans, Asia and Africa, a variety of bananas used for cooking are called plantains. Delicious! In this article I will examine the numerous health benefits of this popular fruit. This curvy yellow fruit is high in potassium and pectin, a form of soluble fiber. Bananas are also an excellent way to get magnesium, vitamins C and B6. Monkeys maybe cleverer than we think! More health benefits of Bananas 5. Rich in pectin, bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body. 6. Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bac

Viagra, can it improve the Sex life of both Women and Men

             Research recently carried out in the happiest country in the world, Finland, has demonstrated that a lack of regular blood flow to the penis will over time, cause some of the tissues to die. The effects on penile health, are similar to smoking and diabetes. The blood that flows into the penis when it is erect, nourishes the tissues of the penis, hence the need to have a hard-on daily, even if you don’t always have sex daily. If you dont use it, you loose it. Erection occurs when blood fills the two chambers in the penis known as the corpora cavernosa, this causes the penis to expand and stiffen, much like a balloon as it is filled with water. This process is triggered by nerve impulses from both the brain and genital area. Anything that interferes with these impulses or restricts blood flow to the penis can result in failure to have or sustain an erection. This is reffered to as Erectile dysfunction (ED) . Indeed, Finnish researchers have confirmed that men who h

How to lighten your skin naturally

      There is a growing  trend among young ladies and some men of African and Asian descent to desire to lighten their skin. In most cases chemical products are used that ultimately redult in damaging their skin and with adverse health effects. Some of these products are agreesively marketed as capable of archieving quick results but many contain harmful chemicals. While whitening chemicals can be effective, prolonged use can be the cause of unwanted side effects to the user. This is just one of the many reasons why nature is still the best for you with all its health benefits and low risk of harmfull reactions and allergies In this article I shall examine natural alternatives that are effective skin lighteners without the health hazards of chemicals. These can also be used to exfoliate your skin and remove blemishes if you have white skin. Just apply less frequently, about once in 6 weeks. If you want to have whiter skin without worrying about the potential harm you could get

5 Tips to prevent a Heart Attack

                 Most  of us live in dread of a heart attack, and the scary part is some victims of heart attack are symptomless until the day they have their first heart attack. In this article, I will examine what goes on in a heart attack and easy tips to reduce the chances of one occuring by 90%. The medical term of a heart atteck is myocardial infarction - MI and happens when a small portion of the heart is deprived of blood supply and therefore oxygen. Although a heart attack can occur at any adult age it is more common in men aged above 45yrs and women over 55yrs. In those aged below 40 the incidence is 18%. This increases with age and starts falling above 80yrs.  In women of African descent it can occur earlier than their caucasian counterparts. A common misconception is that eve ry person having a heart attack requires CPR and an automated external defibrillator (AED).  However, CPR and AED should only be used on cardiac arrest victims. Cardiac arrest or vetricular fibrillatio

How to see your 100th birthday

        My  experience as a surgeon practicing across three continents, has given me the opportunity to interact closely with clients across all races and age groups, afflicted with a wide spectrum of health challenges, including the terminally ill with cancer. It has resulted in my developing a very strong bond with many of them which sometimes has extended to family members and friends.  This myriad of experiences has given me a unique insight into what factors contribute to making us live healthy fulfulling lives. In this article I will examine what we need to do to archieve and remain in optimal health so as to live to see our 100th birthday. So what’s the health secret to living to a 100? Get breastfed as a baby Several reseach studies have demonstrated the protective effect of breastfeeding on the health of both the baby and mother. Breast milk is designed by nature to contain all a new born baby needs for optimal growth and development.  It is recommended that a child should be