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How to prevent Covid 19 - Coronavirus infection

   There is no doubt that Covid 19 is a particularly virulent virus that is highly contagious and can cause a severe respiratory illness in thankfully a minority of people who get infected. Less than 10%.

My three step approach to preventing infection with Covid 19 virus:

Step 1
Avoid contact with the virus

Viruses cannot live and reproduce outside the body for long. So they need a host wor they die. So we need to avoid contact with an infected person or surface that has been contaminated.

Inline with WHO guidelines we should strictly do the following;

1. Wash your hands with soap under running water.

2. Do not touch your face until you have washed your hands.

3. Maintain a social distance of at least 2m or 6 feet.

4. Avoid shaking hands.

5. Wear a mask in public or when attending to an infected person or in hospital.

6. If you exoerience any of these symptoms contact your doctor or health facility or call the emergency number; dry cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, loss of sense of taste or smell, severe fatigue.

Step 2
Build up your body's defence

Our bodies are designed to fight off attacks from harmful micro organisms. There are a few things we can do to strengthen our immunity.

1. Take Vitamin C supplements

Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant found naturally in many fruits and vegetables. It is water soluable and cannot be stored by the body. 

So We need to take it evryday. Since we may not be getting enough naturally I recommend taking supplements.  About 200mg tablets daily is adequate.

2. Take Zinc supplements

Zinc is found naturally in many nuts and animal protein. It is an important trace element for fighting off viral infections. I recommend you take 15mg tab daily .

3. Get some sunshine

Our skin produces Vitamin D3 when exposed to direct sunshine. This us an important vitamin in our defence against infection. 

We need about 30 minutes of early mornibg or evening sinshine daily. Luckily spring is here, so make the most if it.

4. Exercise

I have written before about the importance  of regular daily exercise. At leastt for 30 minutes five times weekly.

5. Do not smoke.

This is an opportunity to kick the bad habit.

6. Eat a balanced nutritious diet of protein, fat and carbohydrates that contain fresh fruits and vegetables.

7. Keep well hydrated with a minimum of 2L of water daily. The target here is to maintain a clear urine. Alkalinising fluids like lemon and citrus juices can be beneficial.

8. Keep your weight at an optimal level.
BMI between 24-25 is ideal. If you do get an infection you need to be at your fighting weight !

Step 3 
Get vaccinated

There are several vaccines licensed by the World Health Organisation. Get fully vaccinated and get the booster doses as required. 

Good luck friends.  Keep smiling. This too shall pass. God-isLove

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